one of those names that girls have that used to have shaved hair but it's grown out to chin length with bangs and it's light auburn and they're wearing a shrunken hoodie and they cut your hair in downtown philadelphia: lindsay? valerie? she also uses her hair in times of great trauma or meaning so it was good that we met each other. meanwhile also last night, cibo matto! aand peaches and gonzales. i was tired. and peaches and gonzales definitely made me want to worship jesus, study harder, and go home. but then yuka miho and peggy came onstage and everything was FOB-by and nice.
"we luv philly especially the south street and especially right here! we girls did some of shopping and the boys eating yes?"
"hey yuka...i feel a little heavy from cheese-steak."
"mmm, did you get it weeth?"
"yeah i don't know what is that really cheese?"
everyone in the crowd has this look on their face like rapturously inhaling the japanimation onstage. i almost wished rivers cuomo was there so he'd be like "oh right" and things would start drifting back. i just realized the more i'm listening to music the less i'm probably talking to people. [head bashes onto desk] french is officially crossed off on my list of things to do or fail. soon, instead, i will eradicate all traces of the french language from the globe so i don't have this problem again.
"we luv philly especially the south street and especially right here! we girls did some of shopping and the boys eating yes?"
"hey yuka...i feel a little heavy from cheese-steak."
"mmm, did you get it weeth?"
"yeah i don't know what is that really cheese?"
everyone in the crowd has this look on their face like rapturously inhaling the japanimation onstage. i almost wished rivers cuomo was there so he'd be like "oh right" and things would start drifting back. i just realized the more i'm listening to music the less i'm probably talking to people. [head bashes onto desk] french is officially crossed off on my list of things to do or fail. soon, instead, i will eradicate all traces of the french language from the globe so i don't have this problem again.