i think the dow is rising, according to the nyt picture, but i have such little confidence in my intelligence right now that i can't definitive about it. the dow is up, the dow is down. whatever. hot hot days and mostly indoors, hot hot nights and all indoors. i cleaned up a little yesterday but entropy and apathy shake hands and quickly get back to work. like when my magnet said "further streamline lifestyle" i don't think i knew what i really meant. it definitely seemed to mean less possessions to use as a shield and maybe less opinion. less mess, less babble. ecclesiastes again [the bible should be mounted on a pole and spun around for greater cyclic revelation]. now i don't know. what else do i base anything on but my mess and my babble? a drought of long significant glances or adventures which should follow. la squale = the outsider. not squalor or squall ;^) but i wanted to watch a movie about squalor. just so i'd know, and so i'd be less of everything i'm right now. i lost a contact. check out this picture of me though. from far enough away i still look like this.
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just like an addendum, you know? i'm hopped up on vivarin which is like so sad [just so all you eye-high-rollers will stop] it's terrible for studying. and like what did i do today? all over campus with lisa, trying to study and then we ended up in manayunk. realized i'm a huge disappointment to parents. my expected value was probably fairly high. ate some pho grazie aux garcons. the vivarin an hour ago. touched my eye after touching pepper and i'm crying. but yeah, emoting :^)
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and by the way, manoj is so drunk right now and he wanted me to mention that i went to princeton on monday and it was a brilliant suggestion.
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just like an addendum, you know? i'm hopped up on vivarin which is like so sad [just so all you eye-high-rollers will stop] it's terrible for studying. and like what did i do today? all over campus with lisa, trying to study and then we ended up in manayunk. realized i'm a huge disappointment to parents. my expected value was probably fairly high. ate some pho grazie aux garcons. the vivarin an hour ago. touched my eye after touching pepper and i'm crying. but yeah, emoting :^)
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and by the way, manoj is so drunk right now and he wanted me to mention that i went to princeton on monday and it was a brilliant suggestion.