something keeps bustin out all over, and over, and over...when i talked about congruity before, about repetition - well never mind. but i mean. all i want is for...
deneuver: people should just recognize my potential
deneuver: develop it like a NIC
deneuver: and let me get on with my life
delocke2: seriously
delocke2: i just want to go to some think tank and be paid for having a high iq
deneuver: yeah pretty much
deneuver: except think tank = barneys ny
deneuver: or like bilbao
delocke2: somewhere where i get paid six figures to sit around and think a lot
deneuver: something ridiculous like that
deneuver: and lots of tea and tweed and the cure oooh
delocke2: and they'll all be amazed by what i come up with
deneuver: :^)
deneuver: private office bebe
delocke2: like where they want matt damon to work in good will hunting
deneuver: get this - my mgmt midterm is writing a memo to an unruly employee : private office or no
deneuver: the NSA?! i don't think that's you
deneuver: you're like brookings
delocke2: wow, they're just flat-out training you to be evil
of course, not barneys ny. well, yeah, barneys ny, but you kind of have to understand in what sense i mean that. teehee. whoa i'm getting behind myself. anyway! that memo is what i'm at work on right now. i found my fleece and also my bucket hat which i hadn't even realized that i lost. yeah seeing that pile of golden fleece on the history classroom table made my day. as long as you look good you can be comfortable eh? eh. as long as you look well you'll find everything. i might go to student health one of these days, but would it suffice just to go to van pelt? or to call my mother? or...yeah. something's missing on some pyramid. five bob if you can hit it square.
delocke2: jump her bones?
delocke2: that obviously doesn't fit into your model
deneuver: who knows...i don't trust any of you boys anyway
delocke2: so this is what it comes to
delocke2: very well, very well
deneuver: that is what it's come to
delocke2: you have been a virtuous and honorable warrior
deneuver: mmhm!
delocke2: i will relish the day that we meet again on the battlefield
deneuver: omg
deneuver: write your paper
deneuver: good night
delocke2: bye
deneuver: people should just recognize my potential
deneuver: develop it like a NIC
deneuver: and let me get on with my life
delocke2: seriously
delocke2: i just want to go to some think tank and be paid for having a high iq
deneuver: yeah pretty much
deneuver: except think tank = barneys ny
deneuver: or like bilbao
delocke2: somewhere where i get paid six figures to sit around and think a lot
deneuver: something ridiculous like that
deneuver: and lots of tea and tweed and the cure oooh
delocke2: and they'll all be amazed by what i come up with
deneuver: :^)
deneuver: private office bebe
delocke2: like where they want matt damon to work in good will hunting
deneuver: get this - my mgmt midterm is writing a memo to an unruly employee : private office or no
deneuver: the NSA?! i don't think that's you
deneuver: you're like brookings
delocke2: wow, they're just flat-out training you to be evil
of course, not barneys ny. well, yeah, barneys ny, but you kind of have to understand in what sense i mean that. teehee. whoa i'm getting behind myself. anyway! that memo is what i'm at work on right now. i found my fleece and also my bucket hat which i hadn't even realized that i lost. yeah seeing that pile of golden fleece on the history classroom table made my day. as long as you look good you can be comfortable eh? eh. as long as you look well you'll find everything. i might go to student health one of these days, but would it suffice just to go to van pelt? or to call my mother? or...yeah. something's missing on some pyramid. five bob if you can hit it square.
delocke2: jump her bones?
delocke2: that obviously doesn't fit into your model
deneuver: who knows...i don't trust any of you boys anyway
delocke2: so this is what it comes to
delocke2: very well, very well
deneuver: that is what it's come to
delocke2: you have been a virtuous and honorable warrior
deneuver: mmhm!
delocke2: i will relish the day that we meet again on the battlefield
deneuver: omg
deneuver: write your paper
deneuver: good night
delocke2: bye