like online radio to fit your tasty mood, it's rilly good so far.
i just ran away from the milk and cookie break for several reasons i will not divulge here.
let me tell you about a dream i had
where everything was written in numbers
two eyes
one cramped hand
one supple finger
u penn has a radio station which does not rilly broadcast. but it will when i'm done with it. in the meantime i'm listening to as much classical music as i can. two turntables and dj bibimbap. things are conspiring to make me blue. violet's turning violet!
i just ran away from the milk and cookie break for several reasons i will not divulge here.
let me tell you about a dream i had
where everything was written in numbers
two eyes
one cramped hand
one supple finger
u penn has a radio station which does not rilly broadcast. but it will when i'm done with it. in the meantime i'm listening to as much classical music as i can. two turntables and dj bibimbap. things are conspiring to make me blue. violet's turning violet!