it keeps getting better. hopefully my fans will stop waiting with baited breath. wow, i just put it well to danah in an IM - i was judging people according to what they were saying, but not to me. from the perspective of the uh, giant...invisible...ear. or two. but haha, when i talk to people they automatically turn cool. i put me hair behind me ears. i put on the low sexy jo "she can't be asian" voice. but still laugh behind my hand. sleight of hand to say the least. i am the faciliator of your real self. you are comfortable with me. i am even wearing a penn shirt. sometimes i cut you off in conversation because i hate waiting. but otherwise. i drink a lot of water. i push people around in the orange luggage carts. i walk to the 80s party to get cold water and to take a late walk. okay so maybe 2 actual beautiful people, the young rivers cuomo would be jealous of never mind. but can't you see me? polaroids, experiments, names, pyrex. i hope nothing i'm saying makes sense because it's not really good or healthy. if you do understand i hope you'll rescue me. still don't have a cellie, just a cello. oh yeah. the humanities floor (hum 4) much cooler than ours. daamn. much cooler. people who ask questions and smile a lot. ordered pizza with tony and jen(n)? declared the usual anti-"like" jihad. linguistics my ass. i just realized it's not linguistics i'm interested in at all, i don't think. unless some kind of yunnian ling i'm only discovering w/ other people. it's just...anomalies in general, and they're the most interesting in language. anti-"like" jihad. whatEVA. mmm, and everyone here speaks french beautifully, i feel like the bee-girl in the blind melon bid-e-o.

disenfranchised asian posse gathered in the hallway talking about themselves. feeling curious but not really, i "hear everything you're saying. without even listening" - and don't want to. pearl milk tea, dance dance revolution, all i can think is hiking at bishbash. teehee...tell me something about asia then.
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