time for an actual set of statements i think. the train down to the weezer show last night, over craisins, choco-pie, and james' heavy-lidded bitch seat, anand and i bunged around for a bit the concept of the new renaissance in terms of community of intellects, (plus the hangers-on and name-dropped) you know, all in one place. silicon valley and wall street having come and gone. which led to the question, where next? or who next, actually. i thought college prof types, all those associates and adjuncts bustin' moves; anand thought political extremists. the political spectrum not being one at all, but a loop. (hearty nod). also - crappy topic of how we're both re-reading old favorites. i really should've enjoyed a heartbreaking work... but it was as if everything was already known to me. funny how at this point, complete congruity is something i expect in life. in my friends and in what i read and see. terrible!

which brings me to chris. eek! today he got bona-fide azn pride glasses, he likes indie music. putting him "18 months behind" anand and james. who will he become? will he ever enunciate well? i won't be there to see it. i hope people won't hassle him about the yearbook lawsuit. i really really hope...

and now for some reason i'm going to call rob. congruity eh?
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