oh - my - god. got my archives to work. all it took was some overridin'. i feel like a genius. next comes javascripts, no joke. ahh! i posted way too much, and too recklessly today, this is just a fraiche start. calm enough to draw upon my medium-term memory, even.

but yeah. compulsive consumerism today: 3(!) "boyfriend tanks" - as opposed to wifebeaters. a brush because my hair is finally that length again. graphic print skirt. linen lace camisole concoction. yesterday, with benjamin the great: arab strap and the jayhawks, word! and a blue bear yonpil-tong (or, pencil case - boy do i love my anglicisms)...and falsies. violet eyelashes that is - ho ho ho... also courtesy of the galynkers, night views and yummy indian eats. oof, the city. much residual recoil...

but okay. tonight we MISSED not only girl on the bridge but the something something (discreet charms, fine) of the bourgeosie. eating chocolate cake won precedence. then syed in hyde park. so anand's last night consisted of driving and music, which is not really 'fitting' or 'appropriate' but just 'ugh'. okay anand, even if you never see this i still want to remember...the potting soil. so just keep it in mind.
Joanne YunComment