so tonight. not sure whether i'm documenting it for my sake or for the sake of posterity but here goes. my sense of multitasking my friends, as i saw nearly everyone i know. mikey, even, whom i didn't recognize the other night but totally did, given our new cubbyhole cues. saw the redoubtable steve at beech tree, went to everready, then some 1 o' clock stop and shopping. goya and styrofoam planes. i hope the pictures come out. in the car, betsy with the perfection. also in the car, cigarette butt boys. lisa and i commenting about the whole impending frustrating cuteness of everybody thing. and wanting to be boys. but that's like, all the time, so whateva. in conclusion a night where i did what i wanted to do. and one which promises better or at least improvable-on ones to come. in vittadini. leitmotifs d'ete: sizzler, model airplanes, the chosen one, narnia, miffy.
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