busy days hampered by mum's sudden overarching nest syndrome. or not. she really would like to see me studying for finance economics in my last days in poughkeepsie. poring over the textbooks, chewing a korean mechanical pencil pensively. oh yes and how about some ankle socks. whatever. meanwhile the busyness is because i'm trying my darnedest to regress to a better time, 5th grade or sophomore year. not actually better in any way. when i used to read books (the former) or make clothes (the latter). hmm. when i used to do things! with all the resources i had at my disposal. so like yesterday, andrew and i zoomed around grabbing things (sheet music of schelomo, the mrs. dalloway i had in my bag, his houndstooth umbrella, cassette tapes, the new vittadini dress, business cards from moroccan restaurants) and xeroxed them at office depot. with the brimming purpose of turpentining them onto white jeans. we may or may not finish later this afternoon. 'though in doing this i missed another big group evening. the ways and means of summer. sigh! tonight steve is playing at the beechtree which will be awesome if we go. and then sensual MASS-age at cubbyhole? or maybe just 'hardcore frisbee'. but i have a dentist's appointment this afternoon. i have not seen my retainer for 6 months and for this i am heartily repenting. may the ortho-purgatorio release my soul soon. oohh...i'm feeling very anxious. it sucks. in the meantime, however, lisa and i can still get excited about physics...
and i can still get excited (by my very very lonesome self it seems) over um...other stuff! a link happy day it seems. i'm trying to feel connected.
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