Superlative Shopping Day
Remember my olive green corduroy coat from study abroad, junior year?
Well, it was from a company called Sessun. I bought it at a skater/snowboarder-y shop in Lyon, back in 2002 and wore it to death. I loved that coat. It was warm and full of attitude.
Today we rode into Paris and what should I see in the 11eme but a Sessun STORE?!? I bought another adorable coat - this time a navy blue detachable hood option spring jacket with stripey lining. Life started to seem really grand. Also given the potentials of great conversation with Adriana and Romain over lunch at Pause Cafe.
Then a party tonight. I begin to realize that not everything that goes wrong in life is my fault, and that some things are simply not meant to be. Simultaneously exhilarating and annoying. I don't know what to feel guilty about if not EVERYTHING.