Disappointments and Wonder
I got my new camera recently and hoping that was a great idea!
Disappointing, though, because there were so many photo-worthy moments to today. And I didn't bring it out, because the pathetic 32 MB memory card that it came with can hold, like, 8 pics.
So what will never be recorded for posterity during this, the most Brooklyn of Brooklyn days:
- The vibrant, dusky voice of Mamie Minch at Barbes (well, I said camera, not tape recorder, although it can take video)
- Sitting on an abandoned IKEA futon on Fifth Avenue
- The astonishing sight of the Satori Condos in the Gowanus
- The absence of the dairy people at the farmers' market
- Me, sweating up a storm in the hottest day in recent recollection
- The gorgeous label of Ephemere Apple beer
- Bluegrass night at Kili
I yearn for cooler days.