sunday morning sloth

yesterday i was a real trooper and trouped up to ny to have brunch with friends from study abroad in lyon. i highly recommend norma's if you happen to have an extra $30 and some hungry friends around on a weekend morning. so lovely!

note: more brunch places should offer 1/2 sweet 1/2 savory combos. who can really chomp their way through an entire deluxe brunch sized portion of belgian waffle without their palate screaming out for saltiness? or (and this is slightly different) eat an entire omelette without once jealously eyeing the berry-strewn french toast of your companion?

oh, and some pony-tailed photog was snapping our pics for some issue of time out ny. fun! will have to look out for that one.

then got absurdly-cheap-because-it's-NY mani-pedis. then swung by the boys' place to pick up my toiletries which i had left there two weeks ago, and then off to penn station again! seriously, i love/hate penn station, which is why all the news of whether it's going to be renovated, and how, is very personally relevant for me.

then came home on the magical NJtransit express, ate at fedora cafe, then marvelled at media access until it was time to sleep.
Joanne YunComment