
if you were to ask me what my favorite position was, i'd probably say, 'sitting'. it's my weapon of choice in the crusade of sloth i sometimes like to wage. very sometimes.

lying down is for being unconscious or having fun. reclining like an odalisque puts such stress on the wrists! oh, sitting. the vague insubstantial possibilities of getting up are right at your feet!

what a nice pedicure i got yesterday!

currently, i am sitting in the uncomfortable futon couch of my new apartment. it's not mine, and it's not comfortable (who makes uncomfortable chairs? who makes ugly shoes? ugh...) but i'm enjoying it. it's a beautiful day outside and i think i see that this sterile apartment complex i'll call home for the next half a year has a pool! very sweet.

i've often felt like writing something in the past week or so. now i don't know what to say. i've got a lot of moving-in errands to do, like copying keys and unpacking and checking out this pool...but i'm still tired from our midnight ride of nassau street moving on friday. i'm tired and i want to start making things easier on myself. and i guess i've realized that that might make things harder on other people. including the "old me".
Joanne YunComment