
here i am at home once again. these past few weekends i've spent in NY at my boys' (and my future) apartment; typical bright eyed debauchery, and exactly what i've been craving after korea. i love the overpriced things and the unmistakable smell that never leaves you. i miss the public preening and fawning. i love the names they give smoothies (despite the jeonju 1,000 won smoothie bonanza, it is way more fun to order a pomegranate mango squeeze than "ddalgi jusehyo." yes?

we watched a concert with 2/3 bens and a rufus on thursday night, which was so un-buggy and so cute! it's crazy that hanseul and i saw ben folds when we were sophomores in HS or whatever. today, i also saw someone that i hadn't seen since that period of time, and that kind of thing these days is really highlighting to me that i am Older than i was back then!

i got that haircut i wanted! it's perfect :^)

i watched parts of ANTM 2nd season tonight for basically the first time, and i found this while googling my favorite contestant! one thing leads to another...
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