first monday in weeks!

so i'm here at school with absolutely nothing to do, and it's the first monday in 5 weeks that i will be teaching. [yawn]. i'm just listening to music and going through my students name cards - never mind that i seem to have lost like five of them from one class, very randomly, and have no idea where they could be.

dave and i were discussing blogs and how they make us sad. or specifically that both of us have gotten really sad while reading my blog, especially from freshman year, and how we feel so old. looking at the pictures i posted last week (obviously not recent pics but just felt compelled to post them for some reason) also makes me sad.

this weekend was great for reflection. sarah came up from mokpo and the weather was beautiful. we watched "how to lose a guy in 10 days" and "before sunset". which to some extent alleviated my recent craziness about boy situations. why? i don't know. i'm sleepy. it's monday.
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