2/9. 2/23. AHHH!
that's fine! i think i can still squeeze another 2 interviews out of this scary corporate world [knock on wood] or at least i would loooooooove to, in order to increase my chances of getting a job and my parents off my back. i think a lot of people feel like this to a certain extent and with different definitions of parents and back and perhaps job. on friday lisa and i went downtown where i lost my blue alpaca scarf and also bought some cute girly things, then i had my interview for the fulbright scholarship, which was a lot of fun, especially with yummy kiehl's lip gloss on top. later on we went to monk's which was a smoky beer-y good time as well, despite people being so miserable about life. today was another cold day and i spent most of it in huntsman hall. i'm home now and clearly was just surprised to be rejected by another 10 or so companies (more like 2 companies with 5 openings each).