shopped out
speaking of dem financials...oof. yesterday sarama came to philly (YAY!) and we umm went to franklin mills. funny at first because we went the complete "wrong way" i.e. towards the terrible, asian-owned mall shops, and NOT towards the bebe/lvlx side. (omg lvlx). it was funny, because i haven't shopped with a posse in kind of a long time (i guess DC in the beginning of the summer?), and i went crazy. on my bed waiting for first home try on are:
and a rug from bed bath and beyond. i don't even want to dig through the pile and see if that is it. oh goodness. but "i sweaaaar" it was all super super cheap. i don't think i spent above $150. i could not resist. this is also not counting the lvlx dress that i bought, rethought, and sold to christina on the spot. teehee!
lots of things in my mind...job stuff life stuff room stuff body stuff.
i've woken up at exactly 10:30 today and yesterday, which is so strange! i guess it's when the sun is absolutely so demanding i can't not wake up, despite the delicioso REM dreams i've been having...about shopping, and luckiness. two days ago (being meticulous) we went to the ritz' "chocolate buffet", a fortunate misnomer because there was much more than juss' chocolate. teehee there was also a waiter named oakland who hit on kristin like there was no tomorrow :^D
- bebe (marc jacobs ripoff) sea-green miniskirt
- bebe (totally generic) chiffon + slip black sparkly dress
- banana (every girl needs one) black nylon tote with leather straps
- lvlx (omg lvlx) halter top which is teal and hot pink
- lvlx (omg lvlx) slutty pleated miniskirt which is green and hot pink plaid
- benetton (duh, it's me and sara ma) long cord skirt
- benetton (duh, it's me and sara ma) dark grey peasant blouse with silkscreened white design
and a rug from bed bath and beyond. i don't even want to dig through the pile and see if that is it. oh goodness. but "i sweaaaar" it was all super super cheap. i don't think i spent above $150. i could not resist. this is also not counting the lvlx dress that i bought, rethought, and sold to christina on the spot. teehee!
lots of things in my mind...job stuff life stuff room stuff body stuff.
i've woken up at exactly 10:30 today and yesterday, which is so strange! i guess it's when the sun is absolutely so demanding i can't not wake up, despite the delicioso REM dreams i've been having...about shopping, and luckiness. two days ago (being meticulous) we went to the ritz' "chocolate buffet", a fortunate misnomer because there was much more than juss' chocolate. teehee there was also a waiter named oakland who hit on kristin like there was no tomorrow :^D