ohh, and it's the end of spring break. after lots of sleeping and chicken, i feel almost ready to face locust walk, and the hordes of hot lil penn girls (velour pants? uo tees?) who will emerge tomorrow, given the lovely heart-warming weather. today really was fantastic: i slept for about 15 hours all told and then woke up, stretched, finished cooking my korean chicken stuff - and then won came over just in time to catch the ICE CREAM MAN! omg. what a feeling of pride welled up in my suburban soul to see our front yard, so fresh and clean in the warm spring air, while eating a vanilla cartwheel [yes, yes, diet, but whatever]. and all of our very interesting neighbors were venturing outside too, which was just a joy to behold. ahh!
and of course miami and orlando were lots of fun too...trying to think of specific cute details but missing lots, i'm sure. here are some 'gems': we saw the girls gone wild people on south beach, i got my fake ID brutally torn apart at the clevelander, we drove to orlando with a canadian named mike and a german named jens [?], and ... the spiderman ride was fantabulous. and disneyworld really does import all those norwegians/brits/moroccans to take part in the epcot all-embracing, all-equalizing, international funfest. mmm. and i got nice 'n tan. and fat. diet will be chicken, vegetables, oatmeal, and apples and yogurts for snacks. something like 8 glasses of water a day. also some exercise. this is going to suck and will fail. but i am halfway determined to find out what i look like, skinny.
and of course miami and orlando were lots of fun too...trying to think of specific cute details but missing lots, i'm sure. here are some 'gems': we saw the girls gone wild people on south beach, i got my fake ID brutally torn apart at the clevelander, we drove to orlando with a canadian named mike and a german named jens [?], and ... the spiderman ride was fantabulous. and disneyworld really does import all those norwegians/brits/moroccans to take part in the epcot all-embracing, all-equalizing, international funfest. mmm. and i got nice 'n tan. and fat. diet will be chicken, vegetables, oatmeal, and apples and yogurts for snacks. something like 8 glasses of water a day. also some exercise. this is going to suck and will fail. but i am halfway determined to find out what i look like, skinny.