oh my goodness. one of the things which makes my heart sink and fail is when my pants are too long for my short legs, and it's rained, and then i look like a complete bum. another thing is going shoe leche-vitrining, in definite lyon autumn weather, wearing birkenstocks, and then i also look like a complete bum. will i also look like a bum if i move into a house on baltimore avenue? this remains to be seen. i will definitely look like a bum traipsing around london, stockholm, and copenhagen by myself for christmas (this is where someone reads this and volunteers to come to these places with me). i went grocery shopping today with madame, and the most fun thing we bought was: chestnut spread with vanilla. yesterday was my mom's birthday! and i sent her a card. and i went to paris this weekend. that involved couscous and almost getting locked in the metro. this sense of dread will not go away soon. four weekends left in lyon!