let's see. it's cold out and veronica and kenny and i were walking around penn like alll around to different frats, then houses, then ...i was like 'okay, home' so this is where i am. david's at a lambda party...probably i guess we won't make brownies tonite [again] although the risk of thievery is far diminished at least. maybe we can have a sunday evening tea party. cake party. my lungs are totally smoked out thank god. it makes me feel old and cold, withered on the inside. which is at least a good place to rebound off of. mmm. oh yeah! so, to ride on the tails of other chamber music stuff that happened recently we went to a performance of the brentano quartet at the kimmel center last night. wow, it was so great...the first violinist alternately 'too much' or 'amazing' according to the reports. then dave yang and daniela took us backstage (with eliana!) which was all white cinderblocked, bumpy and awkward and stradivarius style. and now it's tonight. i'm looking at my reflection in the window which is front of my desk. words to characterize my face...blank. long :^D it doesn't look like a face of this time period. maybe a time when people's faces looked different. mona lisa-esque but hardly as inscrutable. my hair is getting kind of long for short hair...let's see.
also. i was just thinking...about what ann accuses frank of in independence day in terms of his not putting her in his work. "no athletic, strong-jawed women of dutch extraction saying devastatingly clever things". and then caravaggio in the english patient talking about fucking yourself into a corner. somehow those seem very related to me.
also. i was just thinking...about what ann accuses frank of in independence day in terms of his not putting her in his work. "no athletic, strong-jawed women of dutch extraction saying devastatingly clever things". and then caravaggio in the english patient talking about fucking yourself into a corner. somehow those seem very related to me.