maybe i will update exclusively on saturday mornings. not that there is any clear-eyed clarity going on on saturday mornings the way i think about it, it's just a carryover of having slept well, listening to the ubiquitous sirens in the distance, the...whatever. saturday mornings. the accounting syllabus that's taped to my window. that kind of thing. my stomach hurts after a night of uncomfortably giddy transfer conversations. and eating and drinking too many weird things. and from watching it rain outside. that hasn't happened in forever, it seems like. in the ditch again. and on a saturday morning. i planned to sleep for almost forever but i felt really uncomfortable in my bed. vivid dreams, last night, i think. before lisa woke me up i was dreaming that we were at the diner again, listening to some of our old high school teachers talk at a table in front of us. and just now i had dreams like lucy in narnia, reading a delicious book [which was NOT probably the bible, in my case] but not remembering, now, what it was about or like. that it belonged in the ditch, though, sure. but i am awake. if i had a windowbox i would plant my heart inside and wait :^)