before i get started on tonight's particular marketing massacre, i will write a little. granted, i left this paper until just now, and i don't understand most of what i am about to model here. that's okay though. i will 'figure it out as i go along' as i woefully told my professor half an hour ago, as he visibly strained to leave his office hour. ahhhh okay. i'm still haunted by last night's dreams about accounting which went something like this: financial statements all over the bed. the numbers 113 and 5 in particular. the account - fixed assets. desperately trying to find the net of something. it not being a dream at all. until i realized it totally was. but then, couldn't go back to sleep. because i hadn't found the number! ugh. then more sleeping in stat. which i hate. because i still think i know what's going on. let's see. my cumulative exam grade for the semester is like...302 or something. that's for 5 classes. wait and then my 6th class sucks too. the marketing massacre? yeah.