yes. sleep...which makes me, at least temporarily, a better and more intelligent person. the sleep jiawei and i indulge in at these rare hours in the week must be good because we keep doing it! usually one of us collapses clothes first into bed after some really crusty day's and night's events (reinstalling alll computer software...not getting sleep for nights and nights) and then maybe the other will gratefully follow. one of the reasons why it's cool that we sleep all L-shaped, other than the instant sectional sofa feel. but meanwhile it drives you to do work. as i am now driven to do work. of the productive kind. [yawning and crackling neck unattractively]. yes. in the lounge, where my pb and j are. check out new pictures to see how interesting i look now! because i can't think of any other way to tell a story these days.
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