usual night except we're on the verge of starting classes. again. same vows same cows. just lither, tanner, more relaxed than before in preparation for the great stress. lately last night we were seducing/being seduced by the lonely miss [?] poshi_26 on literati. and toDAY tony introduced us to wordracer. [throwing hands and letters into the air]. when in doubt, words like 'porn', 'heron', and 'metallurgy' will come in handy. oy worse than tetrinet. mum sent the skirt via the blotchy belle connie, lately of puerto rico, mad ups...and it's lovely, digipics soon. and...what's relevant in today's news? what's the kyrie chorus? --well, who are these best friends, why are they so many, and will their parallel lines ever meet? in the quickening weather, in the lengthening daylight, in the morass of parallel phrasing. i mean; whoops! the compulsions i never fought against but slowly waded into, legal pad in hand and lipbitten to fright. and sometimes the alternate angles add up to something like 180 degrees. hot enough to make my ears itch.
Joanne YunComment