my neck hurts from hunching over stat all hour. i say things like "yeah it's stat for math minors" and then i diff when i'm supposed to int. excerpt:
manoj: "i understand the numerators and the denominators."
bryan: "well, that's about all there is to it, isn't it?"
me: "there's that line in the middle..."
lately i've become quite comfy with the bitth persona it's just call and response. and i always have to go. but to delve deeper into the question of being alone and wanting to be alone - of course sometimes you just want to be alone with someone [?] this summer i can imagine myself in korea and rueing boohooing my a-status. i think i'd need to be planting rice not doing glamour shots. ideally miss hohenlohe, getting glamour shots of rice planting. anyway [brushing off] going to go teach music/piano tomorrow morning, wish me luck. and non-bitchiness. for a long time. just keep on wishing. :^)
Joanne YunComment