i think i feel best or just really good listening to music from when i was in 8th and 9th grade. the number 1996 just seems so fresh in that dated way. the 9s are kind of dark pinkish and the 6s are of course liks bluish (see nov 22 for claritas). 1996 and i think CTY t-shirts, my glasses, my walkman, my various idiocies and the music i used to listen to. let's see. bff underground was a big brainchanger...spacehog...last dance with mary jane, baby! or maybe it's just that i have a 5 year margin of happy nostalgia. in any case. mum sent me a big care package tonight, and i saved the part that she wrote the address on. her handwriting is so same from korean and english. i'll know i'm somewhere when my handwriting is serene like that. meanwhile what else? will and i planned to go to the dartmouth game [teehee, yup] tonight but his nucare duties were ridiculous so we met the people coming back as we were palestra-bound. and more housing scandals. jared p. scandals. ice skating. rob on the radio! oh the radio. just vivid days that when i'm 22 will seem kaleidoscopic [wooo] in how diffracted and colorful they were. oh damn. i just realized i missed pi. ook. going to go brosser et decontacter un peu. in the words of dj cox - "love love love". and maybe, maybe, more importantly, or more interestingly, "i do good work".
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"shy...what a good word it's like the s is hiding behind the h and the y is all vulnerable [wow, it's so late]!" -adapted from conversation with won
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