fave school supplies
highlighter: schwann stabilo boss
pencil case: morning glory ________
comfy mechanical pencil: staedtler remedy
pen: pilot g3
eraser: clic-stic
calculator: HP 30c (oh so nice)
yeah baby! today i fell a-slip through a few classes but wide awake now. i interviewed uglily but nicely for SCUE (very not going to happen but nodding, smiling faces are a good habit to pick up) and then on the verge of academic demolition (the club, not the passive stance towards GPA) i was looking at papermag for luis and saw that shipping news was playing at upstage. long chain of onlinevents leads to me and vj heading to upstage, getting past the disinterested bouncer, sitting pretty with beers and soaking up the indierok. ching ching! it was very mmhm. relevant. we needed some "prep time" to handle that first band but shipping news was cute cute the keyboard boy looked like david bowie faking glenn gould. re-le-vant! i was remembering particular outfits i wear to shows like that. promise ring and that good 'math band' at bard i was cold. i remember that much. but money it flies with each e-vent. next time perhaps we'll be sponsored! v and i come up with ideas: string quartet jam session gigs. glam shots. brahms-a-ganza! we skip out on david grubbs and inevitably head to el diner, where service is just execrable. the fifth ring of the inferno lighting. polenta as a sidedish. top 40 hits. but we po' so we'll apply. like totallly micro-micro economics where individual effort counts! also a veritable hotspot for aryck connie manoj and matt. ivleague name game! tips? i'm buzzin :^) the words 'industrial size photocopier' seem to have come up just now. what about that. all quiet on the front.
highlighter: schwann stabilo boss
pencil case: morning glory ________
comfy mechanical pencil: staedtler remedy
pen: pilot g3
eraser: clic-stic
calculator: HP 30c (oh so nice)
yeah baby! today i fell a-slip through a few classes but wide awake now. i interviewed uglily but nicely for SCUE (very not going to happen but nodding, smiling faces are a good habit to pick up) and then on the verge of academic demolition (the club, not the passive stance towards GPA) i was looking at papermag for luis and saw that shipping news was playing at upstage. long chain of onlinevents leads to me and vj heading to upstage, getting past the disinterested bouncer, sitting pretty with beers and soaking up the indierok. ching ching! it was very mmhm. relevant. we needed some "prep time" to handle that first band but shipping news was cute cute the keyboard boy looked like david bowie faking glenn gould. re-le-vant! i was remembering particular outfits i wear to shows like that. promise ring and that good 'math band' at bard i was cold. i remember that much. but money it flies with each e-vent. next time perhaps we'll be sponsored! v and i come up with ideas: string quartet jam session gigs. glam shots. brahms-a-ganza! we skip out on david grubbs and inevitably head to el diner, where service is just execrable. the fifth ring of the inferno lighting. polenta as a sidedish. top 40 hits. but we po' so we'll apply. like totallly micro-micro economics where individual effort counts! also a veritable hotspot for aryck connie manoj and matt. ivleague name game! tips? i'm buzzin :^) the words 'industrial size photocopier' seem to have come up just now. what about that. all quiet on the front.