su-per cres-cent fresh! why do i love working so much? 'manual labor' 'service industry' 'new york state's finest champagne' woo. and yes on new year's (eve). consider for instance that i am the asian countess de hohenlohe and that the song 'yellow' was dedicated to me...whoa. anyway so aside from any obvious reasons, and the other reasons which are less cheeky more lippy, it's because it frees me from the impatience which turned me from a neat to a messy. and that is why i made myself a nicens dinner at 2 o' clock tonight and why i will clean my contacts before retiring. teriyaki sauce marinating the right hand and all you can do is wait. smile, smile, smile. or don't, but look intense, hot, spicy, recalcitrant, repentant, hungry, cinderella. a certain kind of posse which frequents o'sho. if i were being rill tiresome and nonfrenchical i'd say like 'nouveaux biches', i'm just feeling tiresome so i'll just have mentioned it. but yes, this specific kind of 'hot' woman. and some men. some hand me their soup bowls, some don't. whatever, i'm soooooo tired. soft kisses. of the 'hot' women and their men. fifteen bucks on the side for quick soup'n'salad retrieval. super cres.
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