memorable blast from the past as i was playing poulenc in orchestra: "oh! well, i mean - you seem like the kind of girl who has a boyfriend." poulenc. sigh. i love that ricardo translates the french directives in the score into italian. so that we can understand them better. standpartner hi-jinx: how pesante and phlegmy name is bartok. roumanian dances also nice. come on in the music's fine! but boy do i hate orchestra.

"i want to go to a school i can have some pride in"
true but doesn't it suffice to have pride in yourself?

phoenix - on fire --> superrelax even while writing this incredible paper. i want the beautiful boy to come by my room when i'm playing it, duck his tall doe-eyed goofily backpacked haircut needing self on into my doorway (because he needs narrators for his new animal documentary. swoon) and say "i too love phoenix!" he could turn on the accent for that. i have no idea what i would say. but you know...later that night, in france. because he IS phoenix. "sweet oh ma hero ma cute thing" "this is how i'm gonna prove ma love" "all right all right all right"

but of course talking to my mom ROCKS:
"why don't you study in the law library? or the medical school library? that way you can meet someone nice."
"i'm not allowed in the law library, and i don't even know where the med library is!"
smoove groove. hennessy the 24th.

getting back to that autumnal party on the deck. a weezer covering, strawberry butter + pineapple milkshake consuming, PJ Kim-ing, glow in the dark frisbee tossing, indie-film watching, fruit barbecuing, smoothie drinking, sticker making, calpinhirasing (i forget what that means, even), group hugging, quartet enjoying, school applying, tummy laying, matchmaking good time. with everyone+. jumpin jumpin.

nothing like losing a 23- page chunk of paper to make you respect! ALWAYS restart. shite's lurking in temp folders you don't even know about.
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