i just bestowed a blog but actually a scribble on lisa and she is so impatient and happy and a web virgin. everyone go there. she's the

wow. bush beat gore by 4 votes in one of those states. new mexico.

she's the shit! and the first person i will matchmake in the upcoming holiday season. to someone whom i already have in mind...teeheehee. she's already one step closer to him!

whew back, it's later. can i do this scientifically?

i'm happy. smoky. not quite ready to face the world still. but. writing a lot. it's not cathartic at all, you english 11 veterans. any words that the world had to teach you is not enough. no amount of cultural allusion either. it's not cathartic, to de-tangentialize, to focus, to walt whitman. it's the entirely human need to...eep. i'll escape easily before the ...da. so go to lisa's page okay?!?!?

we sat SO in front of a computer all night. with all i've said, i hope this will be the last entry for awhile.
Joanne YunComment