quietly sitting, listening to new CDs, having just cut my hair, writing with gerunds, or what i think are gerunds. ooops! so i like matchmaking. when it is successful! argh. anything to exert control. even if my hair does look terrible. f scott what were you thinking?! and like i made such an effort today. i wrote, i responded, i raised my hand. when it didn't pay off it didn't pay off. suddenly, i feel like major regression is in order. i have no sense of loyalty (doesn't that sound better than saying i am a moody one?) or wait - not like i have no loyalties but that i can imagine anything happening. (hey, do the nytimes.com crosswords, they rock and are better than tetrinet for wasting time; also good = my favorite spread for ril.) but yeah being able to see about 29 different realities with 29! different people at any given moment, that makes things crappy frappy. i am pushing myself. physically this is impossible. i want to know who i'm playing chamber music with, i want to know everything then go to sleep. yeah! after all. if there's one type of asian girl i haven't really seen yet it is the purrpetually sleepy kind. :^) i feel way too sincere for this week.