i really could not be working any less. i've scheduled a powernap for right after i turn my mind off from drip mode.
1) schubert rosamunde quartet has us screwed but a nice baroque feel.
2) you could probably call every one of my (3) history papers an auto-da-fe.
3) management applies almost 2x better in real life than in management.
4) paco underhill and globalization
5) my obsession with detail gets me into trouble often. because - completely irrelevant details.
6) approved with nary a hitch:
OPIM 101-002 (MWF 11-12)
PPMT 250 (MW 12-1:30)
OPIM 402 (MW 3-4:30)
[The purpose of this course is to bring together decision-making in socio-economic field and in literature. In literature there are wonderful examples in which the heroes of the books make their own decisions. In these examples, the authors not only bring new sophisticated analytical parameters, but also use a variety of artistic means directed toward developing the imagination of the reader. Unfortunately, the methods used are far from being analytical; the modern analytical methods for decision-making developed in the socio-economic field are not used. The course proposed here would encompass socio-economic exam-ples of decision-making conceptions, along with literature. The course must give a clear synthesis of analytic and artistic methods of thinking, which is important in connection with new situations. That is why ability to play chess is a prerequisite to this course. This course can be crucial in instructing aesthetically educated students who are pragmatically oriented. Finally, the students will better understand the value of non-pragmatic categories of art and their priceless role in the developing of their intellect and decision-making abilities.]
LGST 210-301 (MW 9-10:30)
[This course will explore theories of business responsibility from a multi-disciplinary and managerial perspective. Current theories of business ethics will be presented along with how they apply to a number of case studies. Topics include ethical and social responsibility issues with regard to advertising, affirmative action, employee rights, whistle-blowing, conflicts of interest, and financial management.]
(let me know which one you think is cooler? quickly? AIM: deneuver, em: joyun@wharton.upenn.edu)
STAT 101 (TR 10:30-12)
COLL 002 (TR 1:30-3)
FRENCH 217 (TR 3-4:30)
no one really needs to know what these abbreviations stand for. too embarrassing in most cases. oh god.
"How would you assess your ability to demonstrate...the ability to submerge your ego?" - in some cases, mere grammatical rearrangement suffices; a redundant "ability" vs. saying "ego submersion", "tooldom", "critical shy mass", or woheva.
1) schubert rosamunde quartet has us screwed but a nice baroque feel.
2) you could probably call every one of my (3) history papers an auto-da-fe.
3) management applies almost 2x better in real life than in management.
4) paco underhill and globalization
5) my obsession with detail gets me into trouble often. because - completely irrelevant details.
6) approved with nary a hitch:
PPMT 250 (MW 12-1:30)
OPIM 402 (MW 3-4:30)
LGST 210-301 (MW 9-10:30)
(let me know which one you think is cooler? quickly? AIM: deneuver, em: joyun@wharton.upenn.edu)
STAT 101 (TR 10:30-12)
COLL 002 (TR 1:30-3)
FRENCH 217 (TR 3-4:30)
no one really needs to know what these abbreviations stand for. too embarrassing in most cases. oh god.
"How would you assess your ability to demonstrate...the ability to submerge your ego?" - in some cases, mere grammatical rearrangement suffices; a redundant "ability" vs. saying "ego submersion", "tooldom", "critical shy mass", or woheva.