evolution is a very tricky species. 'sid vicious' halloween beautiful boy lucky you are visible and elated you talk tout penche to me. everyone and her management TA/group was there tonight. i'm listening. i'm talking. repeat.
not so much the feeling of disaster as mistake.
otherwise though it's finding the exact the precise terms to the idea, like in an assignment book. never write 'study' when you mean 'pore over chapter 26'. because i need step-by-step instructions to everything. i need numbers. wharton isn't whoreton, because i entered a good and whole person. i will emerge a good and whole person who can smilingly...
1st best: "husband-wife team"
2nd best: "brother-sister team"
plus-que-parfait: the party they throw in the autumn on their deck
i wasn't kidding. the trademarks of my life will be education. i spy with my little eye something beginning with...
not so much the feeling of disaster as mistake.
otherwise though it's finding the exact the precise terms to the idea, like in an assignment book. never write 'study' when you mean 'pore over chapter 26'. because i need step-by-step instructions to everything. i need numbers. wharton isn't whoreton, because i entered a good and whole person. i will emerge a good and whole person who can smilingly...
1st best: "husband-wife team"
2nd best: "brother-sister team"
plus-que-parfait: the party they throw in the autumn on their deck
i wasn't kidding. the trademarks of my life will be education. i spy with my little eye something beginning with...