ahh! get your tongue out of my semicircular canal!!
sweater is wet with manoj's beer (x5) - and my head is flustered with beautiful boy and sidewalk encounters and dim sum and indian nomenclature chain rules and WSJ and piano as urinal --> ruling the world but getting no respect and pre-molt lobsters and currently with sitting at computer swaying gently in the october breeze from my unopened windows. not everclear. oh no. you guys you guys, there is a difference between asian male and female tolerance. and i have the better one. lisa ees here. "are you SURE you have fun like this at princeton?" "well. it's different fun...ah yes. this is more like an eating club party."
shite. and how terrible is my new room arrangement? the desk now sucks in attention, the "chair" sucks in my ass, and now i have what is known as a functional living space. yo that's sick. no more sexy bed-centric room. i am a loser. but...um...akio - limelight - yeah - maybe? i do do do miss you! like yeahhh. dave, you have a cute smile. you have herein been loved. it's a long walk - i know. i don't make it. g-night.
sweater is wet with manoj's beer (x5) - and my head is flustered with beautiful boy and sidewalk encounters and dim sum and indian nomenclature chain rules and WSJ and piano as urinal --> ruling the world but getting no respect and pre-molt lobsters and currently with sitting at computer swaying gently in the october breeze from my unopened windows. not everclear. oh no. you guys you guys, there is a difference between asian male and female tolerance. and i have the better one. lisa ees here. "are you SURE you have fun like this at princeton?" "well. it's different fun...ah yes. this is more like an eating club party."
shite. and how terrible is my new room arrangement? the desk now sucks in attention, the "chair" sucks in my ass, and now i have what is known as a functional living space. yo that's sick. no more sexy bed-centric room. i am a loser. but...um...akio - limelight - yeah - maybe? i do do do miss you! like yeahhh. dave, you have a cute smile. you have herein been loved. it's a long walk - i know. i don't make it. g-night.