thunder and lightning, very very frightening me! i rockied i horrored i picture showed (terrible. penn kids didn't get in on the basis of fake orgasms...wait, never mind. CAS kids didn't get in on the...never mind) in betsey johnson which is now even bigger on me especially as i have psychosomatically skinnified after an religiously intense venusian frisbee experience this evening, and yes more uncanny connections with some 4th floor girls i had honestly never, ever, seen before (but yeah, read: weezer, strings, cty, it's all last month's song. but still a crowdpleasah!) waiting for the tteh body glove. hadassah kielbasa hammam two three. i ate today: belgian waffle w/ burberries and yogurt, faux mochachino (woheva) banana (duly mentioned) donut grace a catherine. 1/2 bag of ruffles and the omnipotent orangina. with which i am apparently becoming associated. drank sangria in the park. perhaps i can set up an interactive food pyramid on this site and you can tell what kind of day i had (exciting, hellish, hectic, lovestruck, suspicious, etc.) by the menu.

th-hank you darling for bringing me such loovely gifts. my walls will thank you. (secretly i've been starved for reading material, i don't care whether they mention razor scooters i just have had enough of the tragedy of the commons. but if you lure me into tetrinet again i kick yo gucci ass) and vot else. gossip gossip gossip and disseminating penn propaganda, it's all part of a day's work. did i mention the huntsman program is code for the f*cked up rifle association? yes? good.

those susan cooper books: "that one is so sharp he will cut himself"

hehe, i totally just shampooed my hair au naturelle
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