lost palm pilot. alas and alack. and stronger stuff. all my clothes smell like detergent. and not even the detergent i was using. coincidence? ugh. did another load of laundry just now to alleviate the sense of loss and irresponsibility. damn good laundry all the prodigal towels back in the fold. but...doh. is dry cereal the new currency? i broke a mirror's frame today. i had graph paper. in a terrible state of grace i am. bonjour tristesse all i want to be is to be forgiven for my "bad habits", the newbian renaissance. iterate that, create a generation. generative learning vs. adaptive learning. "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality."

hey, here's interaction:
Imagine that your organization is an ocean liner and that you are "the leader." What is your role?

answer to be posted in awhile. it's a great question if tricky bastardized and very whoreton anal.
Joanne YunComment