david gray
what can i say? headboppin familial fun. sail away with me hunny...
then the search for e. or E, rather. no italics no lower case.
and then frat something completely different. corrupting the pre-frosh? i AM pre-frosh.
chivalry kicks in when you're drunk i guess. french chivalry. even when internal GPS doesn't.
clearly the highlight of this morning was seeing the beautiful boy, and the beautiful boy saying hi. why is he so beautiful? as he walked out of the ivy grille at 1 o'clock? it is because he has an asian father with whom he has fun at such an hour at such a place. he was so demure and doe-eyed and just...!
QED? i was more drunk catwalking with tony than letting the dawgs out. a rolling my eyes kind of night.
what can i say? headboppin familial fun. sail away with me hunny...
then the search for e. or E, rather. no italics no lower case.
and then frat something completely different. corrupting the pre-frosh? i AM pre-frosh.
chivalry kicks in when you're drunk i guess. french chivalry. even when internal GPS doesn't.
clearly the highlight of this morning was seeing the beautiful boy, and the beautiful boy saying hi. why is he so beautiful? as he walked out of the ivy grille at 1 o'clock? it is because he has an asian father with whom he has fun at such an hour at such a place. he was so demure and doe-eyed and just...!
QED? i was more drunk catwalking with tony than letting the dawgs out. a rolling my eyes kind of night.